Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nelson Mandela's Peace Prize Speech - 5

We are talking about Peace Movement. As a part of our talk we were talking speeches of different Nobel Peace Prize winner. We talk about Dalai Lama’s and Nelson Mandela’s Speech -1 , Nelson Mandela’s Speech - 2, Nelson Mandela’s speech – 3, Nelson Mandela's Speech - 4.

Today we are going to talk Nelson Mandela'sSpeech - 5.

It remains our hope that these, too, will be blessed with sufficient reason to realise that history will not be denied and that the new society cannot be created by reproducing the repugnant past, however refined or enticingly repackaged.
We would also like to take advantage of this occasion to pay tribute to the many formations of the democratic movement of our country, including the members of our Patriotic Front, who have themselves played a central role in bringing our country as close to the democratic transformation as it is today.
We are happy that many representatives of these formations, including people who have served or are serving in the "homeland" structures, came with us to Oslo. They too must share the accolade which the Nobel Peace Prize confers.
We live with the hope that as she battles to remake herself, South Africa, will be like a microcosm of the new world that is striving to be born.
This must be a world of democracy and respect for human rights, a world freed from the horrors of poverty, hunger, deprivation and ignorance, relieved of the threat and the scourge of civil wars and external aggression and unburdened of the great tragedy of millions forced to become refugees.
The processes in which South Africa and Southern Africa as a whole are engaged, beckon and urge us all that we take this tide at the flood and make of this region as a living example of what all people of conscience would like the world to be.

ref: Peace Movement Volunteering, noble peace prize

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