Monday, November 19, 2007

Internal Peace-1

while searching about Peace i find following notes from Swami Ramdas's Book The Divine Life.

Peace is an internal state of the soul acquired through the realization of the highest Truth, which is inherent in every human being. Peace related to the eternal. The transient and the ephemeral things of the world are incapable of granting peace. If you would have peace, turn your mind to the immortal source of your life-the deathless and changeless Reality. By constant contemplation and meditation, tune your thought to this Reality, ultimately sublimate it into the Divine existence and thereby attain to a peace which knows no change.

God is Peace, Truth is Peace. So be the devotee of God, if u long for peace. Live and act for the sake of this peace and having possessed it, spread its cooling radiance around, bathing all about you in its blissful floods. First, gain the GOD of peace for yourself. Be liberated from the clutches of a restless spirit which has thrown the soul into darkness and chaos.

Next Time more on the same subject.

1 comment:

Lee said...

I like your blog on Peace Movement. I love to read about Internal Peace.