Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Peace Movement


The present state of the world offers a wonderful study. The race for earthly power and dominion is assuming a terrible feature. Hate, distrust and fear on the one side, skepticism, greed and thoughtlessness on the other, combine to hurl nations into the vortex of war. The heart of men and women of the highest vision are wringing with inexpressible anguish at the sight of the havoc which war leaves in its wake. Their heroic struggle to cool down the raging fever of the war-mad peoples is a sight for gods. The air resounds with their clarion voice, proclaiming insistently the message of goodwill and peace for mankind. What a contrast! --- The heart that bleeds for the sufferings of humanity and the heart that causes such sufferings. Both are ostensibly human, but they are really not. Whilst the one is superhuman, the other is inhuman. Once is Divine, the other is demoniac. The same heart can either be the one or the other. It can pour out the purest emotions of love, compassion and forgiveness. It can also give vent to the turbulent waves of hate, fury and vengeance. The world may be divided into two camps---those who possess a heart of the first caliber ad those who possess a heart of the second. Naturally, the stronger of the two prevails.

So, it is absolutely necessary that those of us who take our stand upon the eternal principle of invincible Love should join hands. We ought to wax powerful by working for the transformation of as many hearts as lie within our purview for an ordered and consolidated resistance against the inrush of war. The normal tendencies of the human heart from its infancy are mild, merciful and loving in character. Our task is to appeal to this part of human nature which is in fact higher than human—it is Divine. Educate the heart to the knowledge of its Divinity. Awaken it to the consciousness of its possibilities for good.

Let the divine instincts subdue the undivine aberrations that distort life and make it ugly. Let us join the ranks of those great souls who are putting forth all their intellectual and spiritual energy to thwart the darkening and degeneration influences that seek to possess and sway human hearts. Let us stand up, as soldiers of GOD, to spread the soothing power of peace and goodwill in the world. Let us move fearlessly with all, but in every contact transmit the overpowering thought of peace and friendliness. Let us encourage every such individual or society by the free offering or our powers, be they of wealth, though or body. Merely to sit still aghast and wail over the wanton massacre of human lives in the name of imperialism, communism or some other equally reprehensible cause is not the thing to do. We are the embodiments of the greatest Power that rules the world. Let us be aware of this and give up faint-heartedness and inaction. If at once we cannot reveal all the powers of soul, as we work on for the cause of universal peace and fellowship, we will be enabled in time to bring out the full brilliance of the light within us. Let us be the votaries of peace which is GOD--- peace for ourselves and peace for humanity.

There are many souls gifted with the spiritual vision, who are striving to establish the sovereignty of peace on the earth. There are some among them prominently in the forefront who are inspired by splendid organizing and creative powers. These outstanding figures are making themselves felt by their worldwide activities. May the Almighty bring them all victory in their selfless labors of love and service, and make the world better and more secure to live in.

ref: agency management system
Note: Above artical available at BlogCatalog


Momgen said...

hi i guess your blog is just new but i will advice you to keep it up.

Dan Hanosh said...

Peace has become my passion . . . The Brave Few, Dreams are yours to share. Dan H.

Dan Hanosh

Dreams Are Yours To Share

stanaxe said...

If enough people stand up for peace then there wont be enough left over to fight. Lets face it we are all on this planet together with nowhere else to go WRITE ON.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring first post! Will come back for more. Ending abuse is another movement I stand behind.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

BRAVO!!! Let's join hands and unite in PEACE.


footiam said...

We have to be at peace first!
Do drop in at !

Mhrmz said...

your title... Misspell i guess... anyway, keep up the blogging

ctdweller said...

Peace every step of the way.


Lee said...

I like your blog on Peace Movement.